Diversity and Inclusion

We believe that all people are inherently valuable, have something to offer in the pursuit of shalom, and are loved by God. We welcome any participant who wants to serve, learn, and grow, and we believe that diversity makes us stronger. Specifically, we desire to seek and celebrate diversity of experience, culture, race, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, and religious expression.

Following the way of Jesus in seeking shalom is central to our vision, which means both that Christian spirituality is an integrated part of life in The Shalom Project (which looks somewhat different every year as it is shaped by participants), and that we affirm as good all of the diversity God has created.

We acknowledge that we have room to grow in learning from and being truly welcoming and inclusive of those on the margins, and we seek to do so more and more under the leading of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and in relationship with our neighbors and community.

We encourage you to reach out with any questions or to talk with us, using the contact information below!

Contact Us

Nathan Grieser, Director


(717) 333-3791

PO Box 1132 / Lancaster, PA / 17608